Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Kingdom Hearts 2: A Serious Addiction

Kingdom Hearts 2 is the best game to hit the PS2 since Final Fantasy X! The day it shipped, I remember racing over to my local Gamestop to receive my copy. It didn't dissapoint in the slightest.

For those of you who don't know, Kingdom Hearts is a fusing of Disney and Final Fantasy properties. For example, it isn't uncommon to see characters like Cloud and Auron (Final Fantasy characters) appear alongside the like of Hades or Malificent (if I need to tell you who these characters are, you need help). It's both quirky and and highly engaging, something many games wish they could be. Truly one of the best game game ideas of this console generation.

Guys, I think I've just ruined my good pair of pants. I'll be back in a minute. Don't DIE while I'm gone!

Here I am, a fifteen year old boy, playing a video game where two of the games strongest warriors are Donald and Goofy. Call me crazy, but I love every minute of it. Addiction has a new name, and it's "Kingdom Hearts". It's just soooo darn cute!

And over there is the "All You Can Eat Buffet"! We hope your stay at "Pala Casino and Resort" will be a pleasent one.

I've beaten the game three times, and am currently on my fourth playthrough (apparently I have nothing better to do). As if you didn't need further proof that I was a geek. Well, I could throw in the fact that I got kinda emotinal during the game's ending (which was beautiful, by the way). Whoops... too late!

Wow, that's quite a sword you've got there. What kind of polish do you use on that thing?

My favorite level has to be the "Pirates of the Carribean" world. Seriosuly, there is nothing cooler then kickin butt and takin names alongside Captain Jack Sparrow (who sounds more like some random guy pulled off the street then Johnny Depp). Now, if only real life was more like Kingdom Hearts. Then the world would be a better place!

I think we've got the coolest lawn ornement in the block! And you wanted to get a Garden Gnome!!

In conclusion, I'm still a huge geek. Till next time!

Kingdom Hearts 2 Gameplay Clips (from Japanese version)

1000 Heartless Battle:

Barbossa Boss Fight (Pirates):

Hydra Boss Fight (Hercules):


A Deranged Young Person said...

You should totally play it, it's amazing!!

A Deranged Young Person said...

Okay, I'll just say this Shadowjak. How can you say that you truly disliked a game when you admit that the gameplay is both fun and addictive. I mean, isn't that what video games are all about (I personally liked the story as well, far more gripping then the first). I agree with the fact that the Organization could've used some work, but alot of the development was in Chain of Memories.

A Deranged Young Person said...

Yes, you made perfect sense Dark Lady.

Anonymous said...

Heh,serious addiction indeed my fine friend (Dude,sound like a stalker I do..why the heck am I talking like some..Harry Potter character??)
Loved the captions heh,KH2 is one of the best.I've beaten it a few time's (Played it over..and over..and over...)
And im on my like..6th walkthrough now..more like my 8th cause i helped alot of peoples..X) well yea,later Kaleb.

-FullMetalHalfDemon/Yuffie (No,im no stalker that stalked you out,you gave me the link and I just can't log in this site anymore..forgot my passowrd and stuff's..yea..XD)

A Deranged Young Person said...

LOL, well I assume that the creator of a Kingdom Hearts dub would be a Kingdom Hearts fan. Yeah, I think Kingdom Hearts is now my favorite video game series (besides Final Fantasy).

Anonymous said...

Speaking of KH, Sorasgirl247 and I are the only ones keeping the "What KH characters would never say" thread alive at the Awesome Geek Group. :<

Anonymous said...

Speaking of KH, Sorasgirl247 and I are the only ones keeping the "What KH characters would never say" thread alive at the Awesome Geek Group. :<

A Deranged Young Person said...

Oh my goodness, I need to check on the group (I feel so bad now, since I was the one who created it in the first place).