Thursday, August 03, 2006

The Human Condition

I'll admit it, I've been rather moody for the last couple days. What's weird is that I really don't know why I'm cranky, I just am. Maybe it's because I've limited most of my attention to the television instead of to things that could actually benefit myself and my lifestyle. Just because I don't have much to build towards for the next couple weeks doesn't mean that I should just sit in front of the computer all day.

I fell not unlike this dog. Of course, this is after I realise that I haven't achieved much that day.

Or maybe it's something more. Maybe it's because I set impossible personal goals for myself that I can't possibly live up too. No ones perfect, but I usually feel that I must be. Sometimes, I feel like I'm constantly being judged, like I'm a part of some insanely complicated game show. I feel this way not because of people's judgemental nature, but because of my own insecurity. I know everyon ehas these problems, and that's why I felt it would make a great topic. Everyone is conflicted with personal problems, even when they're at the highest point of their lives. So the real problem is that many of us just don't appreciate the things that we have.

Aren't you glad that you've got Bono with you wherever you go?

Take me, for example. I live in a gorgeous house, and I have the most loving parents anyone could ever ask for. I'm sure millions of kids would die for the position that I'm in right now. Yet... I'm not always happy with it. Why is that?

I'll tell you what, whenever you're feeling down, take a good look around at where you are. You've got a home, a body that hasn't failed you yet, and that amazing known as "life". Truly, that's all you really need. The rest is up to you.

Some people are in far worse situations. Some have to deal with abusive lovers, the death of a loved one, and even the inevitability of dying from a disease you didn't deserve. However, only a small fraction of people are in such a horrid condition that there isn't any hope that things will get better. Remember the good, and try to get away from the bad. Everyone is capable of being happy, especially you!

See! Even this guy is happy. If only we were all like "what's his name".

Woah... I feel better already! Till next time.


A Deranged Young Person said...

Yep, it really is. Whenever I get down, that's what I like to think about. It usually makes me feel better.

Anonymous said...

I liked this post. You're humbling yourself and using a topic many can relate to. "I have all this and and so many don't. So why am I still unhappy?"

Cheer up! :) We all have our off days.

A Deranged Young Person said...

True, true. Thanks for the comment! Yeah, I go through phases where I'm really grumpy and moody, but I get over it pretty quick.

A Deranged Young Person said...

Thanks Murder Grey (lovely name by the way). Well, I really fell that people need to understand that they aren't the only ones who have those kinds of emotions (especially me).

A Deranged Young Person said...

OMG, it's FullMetalHalfDemon! It's awesome to see another comment from you (reminds me of old times). Glad you enjoyed the entry!

A Deranged Young Person said...

Thanks Shadowjak! I'm feeling much better today, by the way.