On a completely different note, the weather next week says 'Pirates' will once again invade ciniplexes with mediocre critical response but with outstanding ticket sales. Proof once again that a film doesn't have to be quality to make a billion.
Maybe I should come up with a plan. Yeah, that'll work! Every week I'll write down a new topic that I can talk about, and I can do research on it and state my opinion! ....... You know, if I had the time or the energy to do research outside of school. *sigh* Maybe I should write one of those "Support Our Troops" entries. Everyone loves those (I don't have a good mind for politics)!
This isn't really getting me anywhere, so I'll just leave it at this. May The Geek Be With You, and leave your comment at the beep. *beep*
Ha, I know what that's like. Sometimes I write in my journal just for the heck of writing something, even if I have nothing at all to say.
I'm looking forward to Pirates 3 myself, just hope it's better than the last one (I liked 2, but I do think it was one of those "make a sequel for the heck of it movies). Since they got me sucked in with 2, I gotta know how it turns out.
I don't even like thinking politcally. I just don't have the mind for it (and I've had a few friendshups ruined by it), much rather talk about something else, like anime.
You should start doing Musical Mondays.
Nah! I don't listen to music often enough to do Musical Mondays. Besides, I usually update my blogs on Fridays. Mondays are usually too crammed for me.
Well, you didn't have much to say in this post. But you put up a picture of Johnny Depp. I liked the picture. lol I'll have to go back and read some of your other posts, cause I'm not sure this was a good first one for me to read.
=) I forgot to put a smiley face at the end of my comment.
LOL, this was the most meaningless pointless entry of all time! And of course, it was the first one you read. *pats on back* I'm just happy you read and commented my blog!
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